zondag 5 februari 2012

Hopefuly soon, some new things!

A rather belated Happy New Year, people!

Had been busy throughout January, and now this month (February) it has been snowing rather badly and I'm preparing to head off to Tsunacon in Rotterdam soon, and hopefuly if there be no snowing coming this weekend, I hope to bring in lots of photos of that soon.

In the meantime, there' are several videos I found amusing!

Also there's this pretty amusing fan edited video of The Angry Video Game Nerd reviewing a game based on a certain Youtube LolCow.

 But to look on the brighter side of things, Heroes wil come to take down scum that AVGN & others had to endure, like the Super Sentai & Kamen Riders for exa.....oh wait! They're going to go at each others' throats this spring/summer.

Also some earlier images from Liverpool, that I wanted to post up in case.

Harry Ramsden's Fish & Chips! Yum!
Krispy Kreme landing in Cheshire Oaks?! Really?

And Featuring, Jessica, thw black & white cat!

 Oh and got some more figures to take photos of. Hooray!
Anyways I hope to post up more images soon if the sun stays up for a while. So Stay Tuned.

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