maandag 14 november 2011

London Trip in October/November 2011 Part 2: The Doctor Who Experience + Some wise words

*Sighs* Well, I've recently been to Haarlem to attend Nishicon 2011, and its an alright anime convention, still doesn't hold to the flame that is to the MCM/Memorabillia Con in London, which I will post up soon at the very least.

Anyways, on the last day of visiting London, I went off to go and see the Doctor Who Experience at the Olympia Centre in Kensington and made some photos along the way, and Of course I did NOT want to take photos of the Experience section but did so on the Exhibition section instead. Thankfuly enough. :-)

Well, without any further ado, Here are some photos which I've selected to put up on this Blog. :-D

The Eleven Doctors' Costumes!

The Companions

2 Tardis Console Room Sets

And 4 Alien Enemies.



The Daleks and their Creator Davros.

And the Si.......wait, what was I watching again?

And that's it for the time being, but I will post the rest up on DeviantArt for closer analysis.

But in the meantime a British commentator by the name of the SavageBroadcast (A fan of the Shadow Pulp Comics and Radio Shows in the past: "Who know what lurks in the hearts of men, The Shadow Knows!") has this to say about a Terrible Movie Reviewer by the name of Confused Matthew, who dislikes movies like Spirited Away (one of my fave animated movies) and The Lion King, Minority Report, No Country for Old Men ect....

And to that I wholy agree with Savage's Constructive Critism there. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions and likes & dislikes, however Matthew (pretty much like RJ Bandsma & Mariotehplumber & Jared Milton = Two Youtube Trolls and Copyright Nazi/Hater of Free Speech) as a reviewer doesn't seem to understand the full intention the movies he reviews bring out in the full front and wishes that people would feel the same too.
But thankfuly Savagebroadcast alongside DanielLaux42992 and others managed set things straight.

And with those words I'd say good night for now.

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